Edgar Cayce Australia



Russell Bowey - Presentations 4, 5 & 7

My talks / workshops are titled ‘Be Your Own Psychic and Dreams Workshop’, ‘Cayce and Kinesiology’, and ‘Economic Healing Workshop’.

I have researched the Cayce material for over 45 years, and presented seminars and workshops on many subjects including life seals, dreams, soul mates, astrology/numerology, meditation and life’s purpose.

I am currently the president of Edgar Cayce Australia and the Australian contact person for the A.R.E. I am editor of Southern Lights newsletter and produce the Edgar Cayce Australia Facebook page.

Liz Power - Presentation 3

Meditation the Cayce Way and Ideals Workshop

Meditation, in accord with true spiritual ideals and universal laws, holds the key to guidance and regeneration in your daily life, as you learn the dreams and wishes of your intelligent heart.

I am a long-time explorer of the fascinating world view of Edgar Cayce and a member of a Cayce “A Search For God” study group since 2021, this year I have been enjoying group study of a series of books that expand on the Cayce approach to meditation.

Keith Alderson - Presentation 1

My talk is mainly about "The Principles of Healing" as found in the Circulating Files.

Also Edgar Cayce healing resources such as books, YouTube, circulating files, etc.

I have been studying the Edgar Cayce materials for about 40 years and focus more on the readings. I have an Edgar Cayce dedicated YouTube channel called "improvetransform".

I also post Edgar Cayce readings regularly (nearly every day) on Facebook under the group: Edgar Cayce Enlightenment Group.